Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014 Christmas!

Christmas came and went as usual in a country that does not celebrate it as we do (vast materialism and many festivities) but they will save that up for Chinese New Year with vast food reserves and some festivities....

Sage and Dad had fun and Mom participated and got into the spirit as well.  

Here, I will show the 2 main highlights: the xmas party for Jo's friends and Santa coming to town....

Hope you all have a great New Year as well coming up!

 Jo prepping for the right ambiance....

My collection of candles plus rocks and Laughing Buddha comes in handy

Some decorations

 Some more...

 Here is the most important part of the Xmas party: the gift exchange.

Sage could not understand why his gift was so lame (a cute notebook) since aren't all gifts supposed to be cool? But that was ok. Xmas was soon upon us.

 On the day, we hid presents around the living room and kitchen and he had to find them.  Jo had him look when I went to 'go get donuts.'

 And wouldn't ya know it? The Fat Man came when I was busy out getting food for my poor family.....

Gotta work on the moobs there Santa.....

1 happy camper - check!

i drink for Santa - check!

Santa supposedly said: "I love you" in a whisper that sounded an awful lot like Daddy's sound. He still talks about what Santa said. 

This is what Santa brought - since Daddy does not really condone weapons....but a bow and arrow and swords? Those are noble weapons I guess.....haha

Than a gift for all of us - PitchCar that I have been waiting to buy for many years (for the right price and right time). Oh, did I mention it was a gift for SAGE? yes, yes....

Other than that we did eventually have donuts and a nice day off (I manually took it off since everyone else needed to go to school/work).

So good times were had!

We wish you a great rest of the holidays and good luck into the New Year!

Here comes 2015!


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