Monday, October 13, 2014

Some Randoms plus Starting to Halloween!

Ok, here we go.  

School has started and Sage is one of the Big Men in Class, since half his class graduated to first grade (thus he was one of the youngest in his class to start off). He is talking more (in Chinese at school and English at home) so he indeed has Jo's genes.   Plus he seems to like it - at least he is not actively refusing to go - although given a choice to stay home and play or go to school, most people would choose the former.

Anyway, I am always trying to do things with him, secretly teaching him at the same time (what parent does not do this, really - so it is no big deal).  However, I am using his love of volcanoes to do some science stuff and I use his love of games to bribe him into wanting to learn to read.  On that, I have been very relaxed and usually play phonic games with him that (most kids) he likes.  However, just today he actually brought "Go Dog Go" to me and asked me to help him.  This is a big step and I am very excited. 

But this comes from the 'information' (threat) that there are some games he can not play just because he can not read (which is true in some cases) and if he wants to play with Daddy, to buckle up and start reading.  Ha, I hope this does not backfire....

As for us, we are doing as well as can be for going through 8 years of marriage - dunno if we are stronger or just tired and coasting, but regardless we are trying to smile more and at least I know what NOT to say to keep tensions low (that is a big step for a slow learner like me).

We also are both excited for the Spring since Sage and I will head back to the States on our first "Man Trip" and Jo and her friend will go to England and Spain to see some friends.  We will keep you posted on that and other potential news as it comes.

Now onto pics!

 For a gamer dad this is always cool to watch unfold - the blossoming of a little gamer geek get excited by role playing....

Plus, he recently picked up a magic set that included a disappearing ball, which he 'performs' very well.  Will try to get a vid in soon.

Ah, now onto the main event....a volcano explosion....

Getting the lava ready...

Now add some coloring....

and shake!

Are we ready?  
No, not yet!

Put those people IN THE WAY of the lava...just for fun....

Here is another weird blue lava volcano....
Note the matching shirt..

On a whim, Sage, Jo and I busted out and cut, colored and put up about 130 ghosts to make the place more festive.

This was a very good way to keep him quiet for about an hour...since he was busily drawing all those faces and Dad was busily cutting more and more ghosts....hahaha

Now we get to Jo's FaceBook pics.  Go to see more, plus some vids.
Here, I tried to make an 'S' but it looks like a '5' but that is ok, since he is 5 years old!

Hmm, didn't notice how similar the noses are....

Ok, that's it for now!  

Have a good one!

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