Monday, June 30, 2014

Happy 5th Birthday Sage!

Well, Sage is now officially 5 years old - or in real English: 'A Big Boy!'

He does seem to have reached a milestone and is even more of a kick to be around these days.  I have taught kids for many years and really do love this age group since they are so sincere, naive, curious and really do absorb what we do and say (we have to be careful sometimes, but with practice this can be a good thing, too).

Jo and I are so proud of you Sage!  (one day you might read this....)

Now you are 5 years old and able to do so many things!

Happy Birthday!!


Here are some pics of our Science Museum excursion on Sunday 
and opening presents on Monday morning (xmas style...)

We head out to the Science Museum a lot and recently there is an exhibit showing the effects of global warming and how important the ice is....but done in a kid friendly way - almost to the effect of laughing the whole matter off (but I digress).

Here are Sage, Quinn and Conn on the Love boat....or is it Titanic....

 This is the ball pit that was absolutely packed when we arrived on Sunday afternoon (no surprise), so I just supplemented an older pic.  Funny note, this pic was taken about 1 month previous and there are now about only 1/3rd of the balls that you see here (from being squished or destroyed in other ways....)

So we planned it right....

 This is cute sad Polar Bear, happy that kids are having fun, but aware that his home is gone....
(Weird feeling for me 'play' here...)

 Here are some friends (with kids) that agreed to make the trek out to McD's right inside the museum proper.  Dunno why Jo did not take the other side of the table, but thanx to Aaron, Richie, Daniel, Sean and their respective teams for popping in!

 Sage futzing around with a new toy he acquired at the museum....

Dad, mom and Sage all had Birthday Sparklers.....

Ah, 6 am - about an hour earlier than usual - due to a need to pee, someone notices a package on the toilet. 
He is excited, but I tell him it is not for him..... He doesn't really buy it (and I am not a good liar). Honestly, I do not know how I managed to wake up and take this so smoothly...
I told him there are more scattered around so to go look for them.

His searching skills are getting better and I did not help at all.


He is quite satisfied with the stash so far but I just let him talk and move around (he does a lot) and he is able to find more...

 He is telling me a story about something but does not see the one right behind the tv...

I did not hint, I swear....

Now for the good stuff!

The Ice Cream game is a hit!

You have to see how high you can stack the ice creams...this is a good one...

Ok, That is it for now.  Some movies will be up for watching soon here.

Thanx for looking and have a good one!

Happy 5th Birthday, Sage!

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