Thursday, March 13, 2014

Bye Wall, Hello Kitchen

It happened, as often does, with an offhand comment.

Jo and I have been wanting to renovate our kitchen for the past 6 years, and we finally got around to doing it.  Jo, as usual, was planning everything in terms of money and we were getting to the point that we could actually do something here.  By all accounts, it is a rather large kitchen for Taiwan standards and the main thing was that she wanted to change the stove and perhaps get a new oven - maybe $3-400 bucks. 

I, as usual, was a bit more idealistic and wanted a bit more, especially changing the putrid green that I had been exposed to for the entire time we have been here.  To be fair, I JUST wanted to change the color and a paint job wouldn't cut it here. 

So on a whim I just said, "Why don't we just knock down this wall and make a large space." The wall being the one behind the fridge in the pic....

...and that started seeming more and more like a good idea, so we went with it.  After some more planning and saving and drawing and discussing, we finally booked a few people to juggle the jobs that needed to be done.  This had to happen after Chinese New Year, since they were so busy for people pushing for last minute completions (it is considered good luck to have everything finished before the New Year, but we don't subscribe to that idea...).

We knew we wanted to wall gone so we had to say good bye to it in a fitting way....Sage helped make it a large canvas.

And then a large weight lifted off our....floor.

Then they started to bring in all the new fangled kitcheny thingies... Sage was very happy to have the doors in his favorite color, too.

Starting to take shape...

Lookin' Good

Now the hard part comes....wait - actually I loved doing this since even though it looks horrible now, I was able to throw away some things that I did not even know we had and re-remember what we did have....



 Finally, we are almost ready; just a few tweaks left...


Of course there will be more changes as we go but this was one of our bigger ones and we are proud of it (I mean the money was well spent and the designers did a good job off of our initial design concept...)

Anyway, hope all is well where ever you are!

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