Thursday, January 23, 2014

Misc Pics before the Chinese New Year!

 Just some more Misc Pics that I have either recently taken or have come my way....

 Sage's elementary school just got on Facebook here: so now if you want to see Sage and the other kids and what they are doing, plus practice your Chinese (no English), then head on over.

Here are some pics from the last semester I found of Sage....

 Starting Chinese writing early!

Remember that castle Santa brought for Xmas? Well, Sage and I revamped things a bit to use their workable catapults for a little Head to Head action....

He is happy now, but no so much after I creamed him....hehe....
We will practice on (giving me some handicaps)

Mom gave the camera to Sage for a bit and he took a couple of things from his vantage point...

Sorry J.E.B., he tried to get a close up...

 A cute pic of us at a friend's house this past Xmas...

 Just having some fun with some playdoh!

Sage was recently one of the Flower Bearers at a friend's wedding...
Jo forgot his tie, but he still looks cute, thank goodness!

 Sage wanted to put all his 'ba bums' (dolls - his own language ; not Chinese) on his chair, which we moved up to the top bunk.

Now, he is 'relaxing' with them (I said squish)...

Another painting project my slave...I mean eager volunteer...and I did recently when the weather turned nicer.

I have been waiting (read: lazy) for 6 years to paint this damn side of the balcony (which we don't use, but still see every day).

It was not all work....he made some nice Happy Faces!

Happy Chinese New Year Everyone! (end of the month)...

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