Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Sage's Updates

 Well, we have been dealing with school for a month now and things are getting smoother and smoother (or it could be that Sage senses the inevitability of it all).  There are daily reports of the positives and negatives that happened (that Sage did or did not do), but I think that mostly stems from the weirdness of having a 'foreigner' in class.  But overall, he is doing well; learning the do's and don't of any large social organization, his Chinese is progressing normally, even though he does not speak it too much yet (normal), and making lots of friends.

I mean he is basically one of the 'stars' of the class, mostly by virtue of his strangeness, but also he plays coy with the girls (they like that, I guess) and most of the boys either are quite friendly to him or quite antagonistic, but those are corralled soon enough.  Sage gives us an account of who is 'good' and who is 'bad' when we bring him to school or pick him up.  I sigh and explain it is not good or bad, but just normal jockeying for position.  Anyway, his position at least for now seems to be fairly high up.  The teachers don't spoil him at all, but they sometimes don't know what to make of him (or how to communicate well enough).  But that is ok.  We are all learning.

So Halloween is coming and Sage knows more this time around and is eager for ghosts and monsters to be everywhere....so he can either fight them or fend them off.  Our house seems to be filled with terrible monsters and he sets up barriers of bungee cords or boxes so that they can not enter a room or bed.  So far we have been lucky without any incursions, but we are all on guard...

 Sage wanted a costume and when he saw the one below he said immediately: "Fossils!"  He has a thing for fossils as well.  Currently if Youtube is any indication, he will be a paleontologist when he grows up.  Death, fossils, dinosaurs, bones, why all the above and how are nightly questions and topics.

 Anyway, here are some recent pics, plus a little diddy that Sage did (he seemingly loves to make up songs and sing them).

 Sage, the Fossil....

 A bit small, but dad didn't have any other choice at the store where we got it...

Sage plays with his train many times a week as well and is getting pretty good at making sets.  Here is one he did and I congratulated him on it.

 Smug bastard...

 From the looks of it, the kids in his class forced 4 kids to lie on a mat and be drawn, and Sage was one of the lucky ones (on the right).

 Dunno, why it is 'for sale' tho.....

 I was suckered - I mean I volunteered my services to sing a Halloween song for the kids and they seemed to have fun.  We did have fun and I assume I will go there again....

Watch our song!

Watch Sage's song!

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