Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Xmas!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Sage, Jo and I had a relaxing holiday, even though it is not officially a holiday here.  Thankfully, today is Sunday (but even if it were a weekday - a normal day of work for everyone - I would still take it off) so we relaxed in prime holiday fashion.

Of course after opening gifts, which were much more numerous for a small person we know.....

And the fun begins



Break in the action

He has lined up all of his loot (cars mostly)

Proud and ready to play (he still prefers his older toys)

We hope the rest of your holiday season is relaxing, safe and fun!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pre Xmas Pics

Twas the second to last day before Xmas and all through the house, people were frantic trying to wrap up that damn blouse....

Not really; we are all relaxed here and mellow - mostly since Xmas is a Western holiday in its craziness, not in Asia.  Sure, many people here take advantage of the images of secular Xmas to look 'livelier' but mostly it is a sales gimmick....come to think of it, it is just a sales gimmick in the States as well....

But here are some last minute pics before the unwrapping begins on Sunday....

Sage likes to sit up there now

Our very durable tree (I have had that for over 10 years - these days, that is long).

A kind of pre-xmas gift for Sage (and Dad) - the road rug!

Another of Sage's interesting habits.  He is eating cooked garlic, straight.  He loves the stuff and picks it out of our food.  I mean, Jo and I like garlic, but he just will sit there and eat the whole bowl....

Supposedly he won't get sick very much!

But he knows that no one will want to kiss him too much now....and come to think of it, that may be one reason he farts so much!

He is getting better at blowing bubbles (will try to post vids soon).

Mr. Cool and Peter Penguin

His cute froggy pull ons....

Ok, hope everyone is great and happy and trying to relax!

Happy Holidays! Merry Xmas!  Super New Year!

Love Jeff and Fam

Our Upstairs Uplift

Our apartment is nice, but the thing I really like is the 'free' apartment upstairs from our living abode.  It was built at the time of the initial apartment building and although illegal at the time, has now become legal due to the length of time (kind of like squatter's rights).  Course, as a side note, most things here in Taiwan - while not necessarily illegal - are imbibed deeply with the attitude of "Do it first and apologize later - if someone finds out."  So the vast majority of buildings here have these 'illegal' apartments but everyone is happy (or paid off).

Anyway, this 'free' (as I prefer to call it) apartment basically came with our 7th floor apartment but as the value can not be added per se in to the price of the house, we did indeed get a great deal - or at least 4 more rooms to put junk.

Putting junk is what it has been for the time we have been here.  Sure, we have converted one of the rooms into my classroom, one of them into a semi second living area (ok, I admit - my board game area for my buddies), as well as one room being a rentable room that we have used in the past - but will now use it as a temp guest room, and a true (messy) storage room.  All in all, 4 rooms, plus a nice balcony that is now Mocha's residence.

 However, this apartment is nowhere near as nice as what I am trying to envision.  That is changing, but slowly as we have more time (and more importantly - more money...).

We recently decided to get some (cheapy - but nice looking) shelves to help with the eventual remaking of the living room area into our main "Library."  Here are some before and after pics.

Here is the hallway looking towards the classroom (on the left) and the stairs leading up the 9th floor (on the right)

Here is the view upon entering our 'free' apartment looking at the living area

This is in the living area looking back at the door

Another view of the soon to be shelved area in the living room

Here comes trouble!
From the living area looking through the window into the classroom

My Space Theme part of the classroom

My Book Collection theme (with all of my students' names on a book for each of them) in the classroom

My (messy) garden experiment area
Looking out from the living area out to the balcony

 And here are the new shelves we made and put around the living area.....there is much more to come, but this is a work in progress....

Damn, I did not realize I had so many books....

We covered up the windows, but all we could see was the apartment across the street....

Now to think about how to make it even more cozy......hmmmm

Blast From the Past

 I don't get many visitors to my neck of the woods, so when I do it is always a treat.  However, seeing someone from my school days - in Torrington - no less is like out of a strange dream.

However, Eric Yates managed to jump off in Taiwan for a few days on a business trip (covering a bit of Asia) and I was lucky enough to meet up with him for a brief visit up in Taipei with the fam. 

Unfortunately, we did not have too much time to do much except eat at the hotel buffet and catch up a bit, so I urged him to come back for a longer stay to let us show him the 'real' Taiwan.  We'll see if he can finagle his school to pay for his trip again......
It was great to catch up on Kara and his girls and to have him meet my family as well.  It was surreal to talk about some other Torrington friends, whom I have not even mentioned or thought of in a long long time.  Geez, speaking of Torrington, I have not been back there in a long long time, too.

Anyway, here are some pics we liked.

Here is Sage more interested in the huge tree....

Here's to Eric and his Family: Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

Come Again Soon!
(and we will try the Stinky Tofu....)