Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Back in G-burg, Second Week (with Sisters and Fams!)

Things started to get really hectic around the second week, when my sister Jen arrived and then a day after that my sister Wendy arrived, with family in tow (all except J.E.B, who was sorely missed!).

It had been over 6 years since the 3 of us had been together, and in that time A LOT had changed - namely marriage and kids! So there was a lot to catch up on and we tried our best to manage chatting and managing our kids! Of course, Gramma and Grampa were in (a sort of) heaven of seeing their children and grandchildren all in one place, but it was a bit exciting at times....

Anyway, here are some pics throughout that crazy, but fun and exciting week.

Dunno why Sage thought this was comfortable, but it does look comfy, so who can blame him for going into Louie's cage as soon as it was brought into the house?

Sage not too sure about Ethan and his mom, Jen

Ah, the boys are set though

Sage, Ethan and Nate all lined up

Woah, Ethan changed!

Grampa was 'encouraged' to be on drive duty for the tractor again

Nate was having a good time tractoring!

Now it is time for a pillow fort!

Sage, getting an ok from Grampa about the building codes...

Up up and...

King! (for a very short time)

Ah, now look who showed up? It's Baby V! Hi there!

Short, sweet, cute and smug all rolled in one.

A grandparent's dream...

Sage taking a break, getting into a movie

But it was quickly time for playing with Grampa's chair

Then came our 4th of July meal (Gramma mentioned the Twizzlers were supposed to be fireworks). All sorts of goodies were had that night! Yum!

Yes, Wen, don't worry, we can get a nice pic of you in this blog as well....

A growing family

A growing funny face family

Sage, what are you doing there?

Grampa stirs things up

Now onto the sacrificing of the marshmellows to appease the gods


burn, baby, burn

But Sage just appreciates the mellows themselves....

Grampa and his patented 'foot dance'

I see you over there

Ethan, firing up the guitar

A little dance!

Now it is time to splash around in Bill's area of the stream

Everyone got into it (some more than others)

Sage, taking a break

Baby V's sexy little snarl

Thanx Jen! for a great shot

Ah, back at the sand pile...simple pleasures

We celebrated many birthdays on the last night

And had a mini dance party

With present sharing!

Too bad Dad tried to play the accordian

But Grampa and Sage took over on the banjo.

And a great time was had by all!

Here's to another full family meet up sooner than later!

Best to all and thanx for a great trip and vacation!