Thursday, January 13, 2011

Jan Shots

Here are some pics from the last few days.


Ok, Sage, what did you do?

Still won't talk, huh?

We have ways of making you talk....

The infamous tickle torture..

Ah, caught in the act...

Do you have anything to say for yourself?

Hmm, didn't think so.

Therefore we have to subject you to a higher form of punishment....

The Penguin Routine!

Oh, wait, you are supposed to be unhappy, not happy!

Hmm, too cute...

too cute indeed!

See me with my bill...

see me without...

You really are a penguin, right?

Just hanging out

Sage's new car

It's got all the accessories...

Including soy milk dispenser!

Gets a few cups to the km...

Dad and Sage intent on watching Lassie (out of all the movies we have now, Lassie is Sage's favorite - the 2005 English - British version)

Here, Sage is helping with the laundry

Well, not really...

Ah, some light reading - about heavy things!
A boy's favorite!

Now, check out some vids here!

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