Monday, July 05, 2010

Happy July 4th and Happy 1st Birthday!


Since Taiwan is not the US, there is no July 4th celebration, so we have to make due. Usually there is a festival (sans fireworks) of some sort sponsored by the American Chamber of Commerce which is basically a big food and music party. This year, we wanted to hold Sage's first b-day party with some friends on the weekend, and July 4th, just happened to fall on the same day.

Here are some pics leading up to the weekend as well as some from the party.


Climbing on mom

While dad says it looks like a dress, mom confirms that it is only 'cute'

Sage's wavy hair


Kiss me right HERE

Workin the phones

Can you get more relaxed?

Hmmm, which one?

I love loungin' on mom!

Whadju say?

Hi there!


Oh, it's you again.

Let's read a book

A new way to flip pages

But does not taste so good

The sniffle laugh

Sage is now officially mobile with his baby walker!

He zooms all over the place now

Thaz right, I am cute

The Birthday Boy and Balls


Hi again

Wanna play?


You said I have to what?

Uh way!

Sage and Snoopy

Mr. Cutie

I see you there

Yup, I'm the b-day boy

Singing the song as practice

That was nice

Drat, you found me!


Dad, what IS that thing?

Son, it's a piece of cake. I know mommy said you can't have too much sweet things, but today is special. You are 1 year old (and a few days...)! Happy Birthday!

Now, make a mess!

You know, if you can't finish, dad can help you....That Tiramisu can be tricky...

Yeah! Chocolaty and happy!

Happy Birthday Sage!

And thanx for all who came to relax and have fun.
Sage also says thanx for the presents!

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