Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Mom also wanted to get into the spirit and thus here is her top pictures through the year. Our tastes are different, but then again, she endured a lot to bring the little guy out into this world, so her take on things is valuable indeed.

She can not believe that Sage is already a year old as well and can't wait for Sage to start talking!

Mom's Favorite Pics From the Year

First Month
Can't deny this expression is a cute one as well. Here Sage is nestled in my leg space - perfect fit!

Second Month
Mom was terrified of giving Sage a bath, but that did not mean he was less cuter when wet. In fact, he prolly upped a few notches on the cute-o-meter, especially with that curly Q of a hair.

Third Month
The "I Do Declare" is also one of my favorites - boy was it tough to pic just one!

Fourth Month
You can't get much happier than this, can you?

Fifth Month
Beginning to get Rolly Polly and a lot of fun.

Sixth Month
When we were at Gramma's and Grampa's house, we found out that Sage loves certain sounds and blowing on the bottle made him giggle and laugh til we were all hurting ourselves from watching.

Seventh Month
His first forays into eating were a delight...

Eighth Month
...and an adventure.

Ninth Month
This in my 8th and her 9th, so we will just call it 'Cute' and move on...

Tenth Month
Just lookit that happy boy!

Eleventh Month
To me, this one looks like he is peeing, but Mom loves it and that is enough. His expressions are many, and we love them all!



We are excited here, since it is Sage's first birthday!! Another huge milestone for the life of the Angelovich family over here.

Can't believe it went so fast, but there ya go! A whole year of stress, excitement, fun and adventure. I just hope I won't be saying this every year (like many other parents I know....) but I suppose that is life as well....

So in addition to some presents and a cake today, I wanted to do a review of the year with a picture from each month of Sage's life thus far. Boy! Has he changed!

Also, if you have your own favorites, let me know and I will post them here as well!


Dad's Favorite Pics From the Year

First Month
This is my first and my favorite shot of the little guy, when he just got out of the delivery room. I am not that talented when it comes to taking pics, but I lucked out with this one....

Second Month
This was the picture of the video that many of us loved as well. The Talking Baby was a hit.

Third Month
Here Sage is reacting to his Mr. Panda puppet. About this time, he started to react to things much more and move out of that cute (albeit boring) daydream stage.

Fourth Month
I just love his expression in this one. I have this one blown up and laminated on my wall.

Fifth Month
He is starting to become a little man now and the cuteness is starting to swell since he can do much more (or at least his parents are easily amused...)

Sixth Month
We took a trip home to see Gramma and Grampa, so that was a lot of fun. Sage worked his magic on them and now we are pretty much 'required' to return each year. Thankfully, we ALL look forward to it!

Seventh Month
His giggles and smiles were all over the place and he was just starting to react much more.

Eighth Month
Has gotten used to sitting up and playing and is more interesting to watch get into trouble...

Ninth Month
Teeth have started to pop out and attitude is forming. Cuteness prevails!

Tenth Month
Sage is rarin to go all over the place these days. Has started to get much more confident in his moving and crawling (and lifting) skills, so he is Mr. Curious.

Eleventh Month
This is one of our recent shots and I love it so much. lack of eyes and huge gaping smile. Sage, I hope you keep that all your life!

Happy First B-day Buddy!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Before Sage Turns 1

Here are some recent shots before Sage's FIRST b-day!

Mom and Sage

Happy Dad

Toothy grin (more to come...)

This is how I eat an apple!

Just loungin' by the beach....

A little story time

Mom, you're cramping my style!

Now we're talking! Let's knock this baby down...
Sage, can you use a ladder next time?

A little peck..

..and comfy

Anywhere is good. Mom's leg and tummy? The best!

However, mom can't move...

Ah HA He HE!


Avast ye land lubber! I be wantin me gold now!


Let's see. You said there was a problem here?

Well, sure! It's your pistons right here!

Our little drummer boy..

Oh yeah, rock it!

...and roll it!

Oh, go for a solo!

What's this I be hearin' about more vegies? We pirates only eat GOOD things...

Haha, just foolin' with ya mom...


All Sage needs is the eye patch and stick on parrot and we are a winner

Too cool for school

So then I was like...

Our mini rock climber....musta learned that from dad...


Ho ho
Who is that cute guy?

Hello there, when are we going out?

The Lip Pucker (copyright)

Hi there!

Finger lickin good

A little side view

Curly q's

Mr. Pouty Mr. Pouty Pout again...
