Friday, May 22, 2009

The Lil' Watermelon Might Be An ID4 Baby.....

We went to the doctor again this past week for a check up and all is well. The Lil' Guy is doing well and growing quite fast - Jo is in her 32nd week of pregnancy, but he is as big as a baby in their 35th week.

This, of course, is good for baby and not so good for the mom that has to lug him around.... And this is why we were thinking of having a CS (C-section) sometime at the end of June, so that mom would not have to lug him around too much longer (especially in the heat). But the doc suggested that we wait a bit at least til the beginning of July since while he may be bigger, that does not mean his mind is more mature and may need more time to 'cook.'

So, as of this time, we are planning on a possible July 4th b-day for him. But who can know the future?

Just thought we would give a heads up. I am sure there will be more news later (good news, of course)....

Jeff & Jo

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