Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lil' Bean and Mom Updates

I have a feeling that the next year's worth of posts will have varying degrees of this title, but that is something that we have to live with I guess. The miracle of birth and all that.....anyway, I will try my best to think of some catchy titles...

Well, This is our Lil' Bean at 6 weeks. Mom is now at week 10 so he/she/it should look a wee bit bigger now. We actually saw the bean at 9 weeks, but we will have to get the pictures the next time we go there (which is when we get back from America - in early Jan).

As for mom, things are not that easy. Now, I have heard from my buddies, who are mostly fathers as well, that their wives breezed through the early months without the seriousness of morning sickness that Jo is going through. However, Jo did have fair warning, tho since her sister and cousin both had a pretty bad first three months. So we are dealing with this as best we can.

Jo, who normally gets stir crazy after staying inside for more than 20 minutes has had to deal with not going out for days on end since she is dizzy and needing to move slowly like an old lady. Plus, even though she has not seen The Exorcist, she is doing her best to audition for the upcoming movie from all the the projectile vomiting she has been doing. If she was able to eat or at least taste food, that would have some consolation, but recently Jo's taste buds have hibernated, leaving her with no feeling for most food other than cardboard flavored dough thingies. Thus, her normally ubiquitous taste buds (she eats anything) has revolted telling her everything is crap.

We do have good days and those are the days that we are optimistic and happy. And then....

...there are bad days, where she is weak and pissed off at her condition. I mean, she is in great shape. She is bummed since she thought she would be spared this, but I guess not. So, I have been spending my free time being with her and trying my best to consol her as I leave each day and she can only read for brief periods and watch movies on her laptop. So for her, it is almost like jail.

And that is why it is great we are heading out back to the States to stay with the Folks for a change of view and a change of pace.

And I should point out that Jo is being a trooper through all this and is one of the toughest and bravest people I know.


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