Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Snow in Taichung

It is currently snowing in Taichung right now. In fact, it is a blizzard.


Actually, I should say it is snowing in our apartment.

And to be more precise, I should say that Mocha has become St, Nick and is blowing all kinds of fluffy hair all over everything in our house.

It is really amazing.

Malamutes (what we found out Mocha is) and Huskies 'blow' their undercoat twice a year since - you know - it is cold in the artic regions and they need warmer fur to insulate them. But come on, Mocha! You are in Taiwan now (whether you like it or not) and you don't need to get that undercoat anymore.

Please, we are begging you!

I swear, I vacuum and sweep the floor at least once -even twice a day - and this is AFTER I have brushed him about 10 times fo get enough hair to fill a down pillow. In fact, we are planning to start selling genuine Mocha hair stuffed pillows this summer...... sounds like a joke, but by god, it is not.. I am assuming Wendy knows what I am talking about - but if not, trust me, I have never seen a white christmas here, but we are seeing a white spring for sure!

But, ok, yes, you are so cute (he is putting his head on my lap as I write - he must know I am making fun of him), and your hair is SO soft......I can forgive you.....

...but can you please stop shedding on EVERYTHING?

You don't know how many times recently someone has looked at me and said: "you have a dog?" with an innocent look, but they are really looking at the 5 million hairs all over my pants and shirts......sigh....."yes, I have a Husky" "Oh, they are so cute!" I just smile and nod, smile and nod.....

Since they are and Mocha is expecially cute.

Yes, we are biased. Biased and snow covered....

In a Winter Wonderland,

Jeff & Jo

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