Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Mocha and Hali

Mocha keeps on getting cuter and even Jo has had to admit that he is much better than before (gets into trouble much less).

Perhaps one of the reasons is that his best friend Hali is only a floor away and they often spend time together fighting, nipping, pushing and rolling around - all things that dogs (and boys) love.

Here is a quick vid of Mocha and Hali (named after Harry Potter in Chinese) playing on our roof. Zak, my friend and neighbor is Hali's owner. He is from Chicago and loves it when Taiwan gets cool. Yes, this was last week or so in January.

Here is Mocha trying not to be greedy, but failing. There are 3 balls and he wants them all. Hmmm, how can he get them all? Opposable thumbs do come in handy here....

Just some posts to catch you up with Mocha. Hope you enjoyed them!

Jeff & Jo

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