Thursday, January 31, 2008

Some Mocha Shots

Updates Before Chinese New Year


It has been awhile since we have....yes....been busy. But here are some updates.

  • Jo's neice Pei-Ying has been staying with us for the past week and will stay for another month or so, since she wanted to get some job experience in a larger city and to visit with her unique aunt and uncle. We are very happy to have her here!
  • Jo and I have been SUPER busy preparing for a very important meeting we had this past week for our company and it was a success, so things are starting to roll (more on that later).
  • Mocha has been getting better at playing with Hali, but still 'loses' quite a bit - although he is nipping more and more which drives Hali mad.
  • Jo has convinced me to join a very nice gym here starting in Feb, so I can get fitter and to work out with her.
  • We are nearing our first year anniversary and that is always exciting!
It does not look like much, but there has been a lot of action in the last few weeks!

Hope to post more later,

Meet us in Facebook!

Jeff & Jo

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

(Another) One Year Anniversary

Jo and I will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary on Feb 3rd!

True, we were officially married on Oct, 11th and that is the date we will carry through and exchange presents for, but Feb 3rd is when our families met over here and is also very special for us.

So to celebrate, we will have a very nice lunch at a place called Little Italy - one of the best Italian restaurants here in Taichung. This is also to celebrate the fact that we can actually EAT something this day, since we did not have a chance to eat anything at our own wedding - we were too busy attending to guests and playing silly games (go to last year's posts about our wedding for more).

So, wish us a Happy One Year Anniversary (again)!


Love, Jeff & Jo!


I am on Facebook and am enjoying it quite a bit.

Cuz Steph invited me and I am part of the Facebook world. Of course, for my addictive personality, all thos apps are half driving me mad and half truely absorbing.

And the cool thing is that it is another way to stay in touch with friends and family.

Are you there? I know I am late to this, but it is interesting....

See you on line

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Mocha and Hali

Mocha keeps on getting cuter and even Jo has had to admit that he is much better than before (gets into trouble much less).

Perhaps one of the reasons is that his best friend Hali is only a floor away and they often spend time together fighting, nipping, pushing and rolling around - all things that dogs (and boys) love.

Here is a quick vid of Mocha and Hali (named after Harry Potter in Chinese) playing on our roof. Zak, my friend and neighbor is Hali's owner. He is from Chicago and loves it when Taiwan gets cool. Yes, this was last week or so in January.

Here is Mocha trying not to be greedy, but failing. There are 3 balls and he wants them all. Hmmm, how can he get them all? Opposable thumbs do come in handy here....

Just some posts to catch you up with Mocha. Hope you enjoyed them!

Jeff & Jo

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Welcome to Jeff & Jo's Abode

All of you are most welcome to come to our abode.

When you do come, you will notice our new sign that Santa got for us this Christmas, which was hand made by the slave-labor....I mean hard working elves.

Anyway, it is cute and wanted to take a picture of it.

Plus, Jo wanted to take a pic of her new Snoopy that Santa also was able to procure for her....

Have a great one,

Jeff & Jo