Saturday, October 06, 2007

Well, we are in the middle of a pretty big typhoon now - bigger than others.

As I write wind is billowing all around us, the sky is grey and rain is going in seemingly every direction but down.

Actually, it is pretty cool, but I say that from my safe abode in Taichung, which usually never bears the brunt of a major storm (except once about 15 years ago, and coincedentally, I was studying in Tung Hai University at the time).

I usually work on Saturdays, but we only had half a day, thankfully. Driving home was interesting since I kept having to rebalance myself on the motorcycle from the winds.

Anyway, things are well here and now it is officially "Fall" season here and last night was the first night we did NOT use an A/C. And with this typhoon it should really cool things off.

Have a good day, where ever you are,

Jeff & Jo

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