Sunday, September 16, 2012

Jo's New Job

 Well, Fall is here and that means a brief respite from the heat of summer.  

Sage is not in school yet so I can not talk about that (which will happen next year - maybe), but I can talk about a recent development that has changed for the better - Jo's employed again!

For the past 4 years Jo has been on a hiatus of sorts, becoming a mother and a housewife (which she never thought would happen) and while at first she hated it, she did get into a groove that she liked, being at home with Sage and pretty much relaxing (since Sage has been pretty easy to raise).  

There were still nagging thoughts that she should head out when the time was right and find another job, but she vacillated between maintaining the status quo (I actually like being a housewife!) to the boredom of it (I need to be with people! You and Sage don't count!).  Thus for the past 6 months we have been discussing the potentiality of her going back to work.  

Course we had a lot of hurtles to overcome:

1) she had to find a job that was flexible for time (since we did not want to get a full time nanny to offset any income she did make - if her salary was X and the nanny was a little under X for the month, it made no sense to work and not be at home!)

2) she had to find something that she was interested in (which was difficult anyway since she gets bored easily)

3) she had to find a job that paid well since while minimum wage jobs are available, who wants to do that when they are 40? And unfortunately, the average salary has gone down(!) over the years here, too!

 4) she wanted to find a job that was 'easy' as well but 'challenging' at the same time

Thus we prepared to earnestly start to look from August and we gave ourselves a year or so when Sage starts school next year.

Basically, after 2 random interviews with not very appealing jobs, she saw an ad for a sales rep basically 500 feet from our house.  On a lark, she went to inquire and ended up having an interview.  Then after discussing it for a few days, she basically decided "why not?" and said ok.  

So basically, she landed a job that she is at now only after 2 weeks of looking.  We never thought it would be so fast.  She says luck, I say she is skilled and people know that, but anyway, she just finished her first week of work and is off for week 2 tomorrow!

Miraculously, it meets all of the criteria she wanted, the main point being free.  Since she is a sales rep, she was told, as long as she makes her quota for the month, she does not need to be in the office too much.

Ok, selling what?

Basically, she is working for a high tech company that helps create marketing videos and other advertising systems that other companies can use to help them expand their markets.  As I understand it, she will basically talk directly to the boss of a company to explain why that boss should create a video to help them sell more of their stuff. 

The cheapest product they sell is about $10,000 US and for a big company, supposedly that is chump change to get good marketing up and running.  Thus, if Jo does get her quota, her commission should be pretty good.

Also, did I mention that the main markets are overseas? Did I also mention that they even asked her if I could be an actor/promoter in some of their videos when she said she was married to a Westerner?

Anyway, all this is moving pretty fast, but Jo prefers that and we are off and running.  I am happy since she can use her energy for something more constructive than housework (which her hapless husband can take care of - sort of...) and now the financial pressure is not only on me.

So, we are adjusting to the new routine and the new circumstances and I am sure I will have more posts in the future about the goings on in Jo's new job.  When we know more, I will try to explain. 

Besides that, Sage is Sage and I am me.  Same.  Good.  Happy.

Here are some recent pics.

 This is Sage's oldest cousin Pei-Ying.  She comes to visit us occasionally and this time she stayed for a few days with us and then Jo and Sage zipped up to Taipei with her to see the family.

Hanging out with Ah-Ma

Now it is Auntie's turn

Back home and smiling (course there has been a clear increase in frowns and yells recently...)

Come on, admit it!

Some say he is looking more like Jo now (note: big mouth)

For work Jo needed to get an ipad (to show their videos to clients) so Sage and I are reaping the bennies from that!  (it really is a great learning tool!)

Another fort

Sage seems to be as anal as Daddy at times......(he lined up each one, then proceeded to take off all their stickers and realign them).

Oh, I am not sure what sparked it, but we are now the owners of a little mouse, Mimi.  Jo says it is for Sage, but we know the truth.....

Anyway, have a good start of Fall!