Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Little Shave

We have realized the hard way that winter comes to our house 5 times a year: one time in the winter when it is supposed to come (although...yes....winter here is not like back home), and the other 4 times we have to endure Mocha's shedding every three months or so.

So we have brought him to the Vet for shaving, but - as Jo is good at numbers and money - it would be come pricey indeed if we let others whisk his fur off. So naturally I volunteered for the task of shaving him, since - how hard can it be? I have been shaving for over 20 years! I am a natural.

Here are some pics of that fateful day when I attempted to shear him like a sheep.

Ok, here is the before.....(seems calm here, right?)

Here, the little bugger takes a mug shot smirk, as if goading me, knowing that it is easy for him to twist and turn, taking advantage of the fact that this was the first time to use the damn razor and did not want to hurt him.

Next time, it will be me smirking......but anyway, I was beat. I had to call in the big guns - our new live in tenant - Peter to help control him and help with the shaving.

Now we got him, course the food snacks did help a bit...

OkFor some reason, Mocha loves fruit and we almost never have any scraps from fruit since he eats nearly everything - so those pineapple husks came in handy and lasted quite a bit of time.....especially here when I had to be careful of his butt area....

Oh yeah, zip away baby!
He does look a bit like a sheep here as well!

I am not sure if he is having fun knowing it has taken us 2 hours at this point and he has been well fed in that time or he feels much lighter.....prolly both...

And a little under the legs for good measure.

Ok, Mocha, who's smirking now!?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mom's Belly

Many people have said that Jo's belly is smaller than other pregnant women for the time the Lil' Guy has been in there, but that is only because they forgot that Jo is naturally a stick and that her stomach usually is concave rather than currently convex.

But here is a picture of The Belly at 30 weeks and you can see for yourself. The doc has told us that the Lil Guy is bigger than 30 weeks old and will prolly be like daddy....but you can not tell that from the pic.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Jo's comment

We were in the elevator today and Jo looks at her stomach and then at me and says "I really am like a pregnant woman."

I had to break the news to her that she is indeed a pregnant woman, not only 'like a pregnant" one, but that she is sexy and cute and everything will be ok.

I also mentioned "I am like a pregnant woman" due to my belly then that would be ok, but I think grammar lessons about this topic fell on deaf ears...