Sunday, April 13, 2008

Another "Secret" present for Mocha

Yes, we were excited to also give Mocha another "secret" present - one that we felt would make him much happier here in the summer months to come.

If you followed the post about a blizzard in our apartment, you may be able to guess where this is going.

So, without further adieu,

Here is Mocha all decked out in........well not much.

We have tried to be good parents, but who can not laugh at this? Or wait, is it...cry?

Yes, our beautiful dog is no longer beautiful (on the outside), but at least he is cool and Mommy (Jo) does not get such a serious allergy (the real reason we got him shaved).

I had no idea how he would look after the shave, but Jo assured me that it would be close to hideous or ridiculous and she was right. In our defence, we did not request the tail thingie - AT ALL! But it adds to the mistique of the Thing That Used To Be Mocha. And to top it off, it looks like Mocha will need to be shaved a lot for the sake of Jo's allergies (but we will tell him it is to keep cool, which IS very important here....).

When we did get him back, Jo immediately said he looked like a Dragon, and I scoffed, saying that is no where NEAR a dragon. However, of course, she is talking about a Chinese Dragon - wingless, white, elongated body and vute head, let alone beneficial to mankind. Our Western Dragon is basically a bat / lizard / dinosaur monster that hoards gold and kills anyone that comes at least you could sense my confusion.

But then I remembered an old movie from my youth and it brought back memories of something weird and white and flying that looked a bit like Mocha. Could it be?


It is Falkor the Good Luck Dragon from The Neverending Story!

Course, I have no idea what Mocha thinks of all this, but when we asked him about being a dragon, he did the following, which pretty much sums it up.

But who knows, maybe he is waiting for the right time to jump off the balcony and fly away!

Here's to you Mocha and your cool "Secret" birthday present.....

Don't worry, we still love you!

Jeff & Jo

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Happy Birthday Mocha!

Mocha is one year old today!

Happy Birthday Mocha!

Now you are a big boy and will be getting big boy food and big boy toys......

We will update a few pics soon.

Actually, we don't know his real birthday, but we decided that this was the best and most logical time since we got him when he was about two and a half months at the end of June.

So, we celebrated by giving him 2 chew-bone presents, 2 real chicken bone presents, some wine (which did not go over too well) and a long walk around our river here.

Happy Birthday!

Love yer Mom and Dad,

Jeff & Jo