Sunday, July 29, 2007

Some Updates

Hola again!

I will just jump right in with some updates in lieu of apologizing for the lack of writing....

Mocha Related!
  • Mocha is getting a lot bigger - heck - only in the 5 weeks he has been here, and has gone from 7 kg to about 12 kg (13 lbs to about 23 lbs) and this is only for a 4 month old puppy!
  • He indeed has an attitude and is 'too' clever at times, but we love him for it and at least he knows who the Alpha male is (come to think of it, it might actually be Jo!)
  • He also finally has gone through the potty training process pretty well (it will be supervision for awhile tho), and no longer is our house 'mined' with brown or yellow land mines. However, the thing we are working on now is when he gets excited to see us (or anyone, really), he can not control himself too well.....but that is ok, too...
  • We have been compiling pictures and a few vids, but I will need more time for those!
House Related!
  • Our Waterfall is coming a long nicely and Zak (our tenant) is creating a pretty nice zoo of sorts there: he has Hali, the German shepard, Chunky, the cat, and now has about 12 turtles in the waterfall area, 15 snails (to eat the algae, and some fish scattered around. Not to mention the plants and trees on the roof! We are still working on it, but since it has been so hot out, it is difficult to find good times to continue.
  • We are getting to know the neighborhood better and - more importantly - many neighbors are getting to know us, since there is a distinct lack of foreigners living here, so my (and Zak's) movements are always noticed.
  • We are working on putting of a curtain divider in our living room since the AC has to work too hard to cover the large space. We currently have 2 shower curtains hanging up, but it kinda has the 'tacky' feel, even though it is much more efficient.
Tiny Tycoon$ Related!
  • We have got a few more classes lined up and are looking forward to getting things really rolling in terms of the business as a business entity come this fall.
Us Related!
  • We are still working a variety of jobs, with the majority being Compass for me and Privates for both Jo and I. However, we are also looking into many more investment opportunities and helping others take advantage of them, so we shall see how things pan out.
  • For some strange reason, I was not as hungry as I was before and lost about 10 lbs or 6 kg. However, thank god I am back up a bit! However, Jo would prolly not say "thank god...." more like "oh darn..."

Not much more than that -

-- Oh! -- About a week ago, another relative popped into this side of the world for a brief stay - Uncle Ed - and we meet up with him and another work associate in Taipei. He was also blown away by the moderness of Taiwan and I hope will return for a longer time so we can really show him how cool Taiwan is.

Our secret goal is to get ALL of my US based family to - at least once - pop on over here! Haha....come on, you know you want to!

Anyway, sorry for the delay again.


Jeff & Jo